Terms and conditions



Welcome to the website of SOL HAND MADE SURF INSPIRED JEWELLERY. (hereinafter: the “Company”).
By using this website you (hereinafter: the “Client”) confirm the acceptance of all the terms and conditions below:

A. Information and Personal Information

1. In order to purchase SOL’s products (hereinafter: the “Products”) from the website the Client must fill out a form – including personal details –full name, address, e-mail, phone number and also the completion of a payment form- which includes details of the Client’s credit card, and further details, as required.

2. The providing of false information, inaccurate information, and misleading, defamatory content (including personal information) is forbidden. Providing such information, is likely to be treated as a criminal offence, and, will result in legal actions against the Client, including for damages, that might be caused to the Company’s website, Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery, its owners, managers or to anyone else on their behalf.

3. Posting inaccurate details allows the Company to cancel your order/s immediately.

4. It is also forbidden to transfer your account on the website to another party without the Company’s prior written consent.

5.  The following are authorised to purchase goods on this website:

  •  One who is over the age of 18 with legal capacity;
  • The holder of a valid credit card of one of the following companies:  AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, MASTERCARD, and DINERS or the owner of a PAYPAL account.

6. The Company reserves the exclusive right to refuse to allow Clients to use the website including via the blocking of an IP number, for any reason, even if the costumer used the website in the past, and also inter alia in the following circumstances: 

• If incorrect information was intentionally submitted by the Client;
• If the Client performed an act or omission which is likely to cause damage to the Company’s website, and/or any third parties, including customers and suppliers of the Company.
• If the Client used the Company’s website services to commit an illegal act- under the laws of the State of Israel or to enable, facilitate or aid the commission of such an act;
• If the Client has violated these Terms or terms of any other online service that the Company will offer.
• If the Client owes money to the Company or its affiliates.

Intellectual Property

7. The Company’s Intellectual Property Rights include all the content which is from time-to-time incorporated, used, practiced, embodied in, or otherwise employed in this website, including, but not limited to, website design, Products design, packaging design, Products trademarks and trade names, specification, trade dress,  copyrights, currently or hereafter used by the Company, whether in this website or other website of the Company, and regardless of registration.
8. It is forbidden, under any circumstances, to copy, modify, disassemble, reverse assemble, or make any adaptation of the Company’s Intellectual Property Rights, the content of the Company’s website and of the Products that appear on it.


 Pricing Policy

9. The price of the Products on the website, the conditions of supply, delivery prices, amount of payment instalments and any other data are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery, who is entitled to change them at any time, without any advanced notice.

10. The prices include VAT.

 Data Security

 Internet websites and telecommunication networks are vulnerable to hacking and to attempts to breach their security. Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery, the Company, is applying advanced defence systems in order to safeguard the privacy of the data on the Internet website. A penetration of the Company’s systems is a criminal offence subject to Israeli law. Notwithstanding, the Company is unable to guarantee absolute immunity from computer attacks, breaching attempts, such as a hacking, and/or revelation or static activity of the Internet websites systems used by the Company. If in spite of the security means adopted by the Company, a third party will breach the Internet website, the Client shall have no claim, action or demand against the Company.   

12.The Client undertakes not to perform any action in order to penetrate the Company’s computers illegally, to scan for access routes or loopholes in these computers, to crack the security systems or the encryption that protect the Company’s site and the information in it or to assist illegal activities as stated above.

13.On typing in your details and on executing the transaction, you hereby release Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery from responsibility for any harm which will be caused by you and/or to anyone acting on your behalf as a result of hacking, penetration attempts and entries to the said data, and you waive any claim against Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery and/or anyone acting on its behalf, relating to this. 

14.The website operates on the Internet and on the social networks, with responsibility according to technological developments from time to time, and which is dependent on various bodies such as: suppliers: infrastructure, telecommunications, soundness of servers, storage etc., which are liable to break down, not to operate and to be damaged as a result of various bodies. Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery is not giving any undertaking regarding the soundness of the activities of the website and/or its operation without disturbances and/or faults and/or will be immune from unlawful access to Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery’s computers, damages, malfunctions, faults, failures of hardware, software or telecommunication lines at and Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery any of its suppliers or will be harmed for any other reason and Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery shall not be responsible for any harm, whether direct or indirect, anguish etc., which will be caused to you or to your property as a consequence.      


15. The Company will not be liable for any non-matching, lack, deception or mistake contained in the information found on the Company’s website. The Company does not undertake that the Products offered for sale will be suitable for your needs and your requirements. It is the Client’s responsibility to check the suitability of the Products for its needs.

16. The Company is making every effort to safeguard the soundness of the operation of the Company’s website. Notwithstanding, it is hereby clarified that it is likely that faults may be created in the service and in the operation of the website including faults of the lines, hardware, software or telecommunications.

17. For your information, since every Product sold on the Company’s website is handmade, and by demand, the Company is unable to guarantee that the Product will be exactly as it appears in the illustration on the website, including but not only the shape of the Product, its colour, size and design.

18. Jewellery only carries a lifetime guarantee relating to faults or production defects. Notwithstanding, this guarantee does not include damages intentionally caused or due to incorrect use or unreasonable use of items of the same type and/or unreasonable wear and tear and/or loss or theft. Incorrect repair or service provided by someone else besides the Company will allow the Company to immediately cancel this guarantee. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Company removes from itself any liability for consequential or incidental damages.

Service Instructions and Warranty for the Jewellery

 19.Warranty for the jewellery is given at the stores of the chain or by direct delivery to “Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery “ 3 Virginia St. in Kensington Sydney NSW 2033 AUSTRALIA

 addressed to Shir Efraim.

20. With regard to an item of jewellery sent for repair, the following details should be attached:
a. Name of the Client
b. A detailed explanation of the problem
c. Client’s address
d. Client’s telephone number
e. Client’s email address

21. Jewellery should be packed in a proper secure box for shipping. All shipping costs are the Client’s responsibility and at its expense. For your protection, you are recommended to insure your item against all risks, for at least its purchase price.

22. In no event will the Company be liable to Client whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any amount in excess of the total payment paid by Client for the Product.

23. The Company makes no warranties with regard to Products ordered by Client but which was not received by it for any reason, including but not only technical problems and/or human error.

Rules of the website

24.The Company is likely to amend from time to time, the terms presented above without advance notice, the new terms will be published and enter into force after being published.

25.The Company may amend from time to time the structure of the website including the service provided by it and its appearance, without advance notice. These changes are likely to entail mishaps or to lead to inconvenience etc. The client shall have no claim, action or demand towards the Company with regard to the making of the changes or malfunctions.

26.This website is intended for personal use only. The use includes the providing of gifts, but not for commercial use of any form. The Company preserves the unrestricted right to decide, according to its sole discretion not to accept any order and/or to cancel any order which the Company believes was made for commercial objectives, including wholesale objectives and/or contrary to the aforesaid restrictions.

27.In the event of a printing error, written error, an error in the description of the Product and/or its price, in its payment terms, illustration of the Product or in any other information, including receipt of your details, Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery is authorised, but not bound to cancel the transaction.   

Posting responses by web-users on the website

 28.There shall be no advertising on the website and/or post links which breach the Laws of the State of Israel and included in this is:

29.Pornographic content, a content of a strong sexual character, of a threatening nature, content that includes racial incitement, or invalid discrimination, content which is libellous, which violates privacy or violates public sensitivity.

30.Commercial advertising content or which contains an advertisement for another commercial entity.

31.Content irrelevant to the page where the response is situated.

32.Content for which the web surfer has no proprietary rights including copyright and trademarks.

                -               Content which includes viruses, applications or any other malware of any form;

                -               Fraudulent, misleading or distorted content;

                -               Content of a pestering nature or content, insulting, hostile, threatening or uncouth content;

                -               Any content which encourages the performance of a criminal action or is likely to constitute a basis for an action or civil liability;

                -               Content which may mislead web surfers/Clients.

33. Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery is authorised to check the contents of content posted by Clients prior to its publication on the website, and to refrain from publishing responses according to its sole discretion and/or to immediately delete it and it is authorised to edit any content posted, according to its sole discretion.

34. Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery shall not bear any liability for content posted by its Clients on the website, such content does not express its opinion and it is not a guarantor of its validity, reliability, accuracy or lawfulness. On the user who submitted content for publication is imposed the sole liability for the publication and it will be liable to indemnify Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery for any harm caused to it because of the publication.

35.In the event of the publication of forbidden responses as detailed above, Sol Hand Made Surf Inspired Jewellery is authorised to prevent the publication of any further responses and to bar it from using the website, including by means of blocking the IP number.

 Returns Policy

 36.The client is entitled to return a Product which was purchased via the website, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product.

37.The returned product must be intact and in its original state and package, including the original labels, and invoice.

38.The right of return as stated above will not apply to:

1) Products that were assembled at the place of the Client;

2) Products that were manufactured specifically for the Client according to size or special requirements;

3)            Products concerning which the law does not allow for their return

4)            Products one can record, reproduce or duplicate, and concern which the Client opened their packaging;

5)            If the Client asked that the goods ordered will be delivered to him later than six months from the date of the transaction, the right of cancellation does not apply if the consumer wants to cancel the transaction after the date of delivery.

6)            A transaction where the consideration is paid by the Client with shopping coupons, a gift certificate or a loaded magnetic card.


39.          In order to clarify, in any case of a cancellation of the order, by the Client, and/or return of the Products (not including – return of damaged products and/or a mistake in the shipment caused by the Company), the Client will be bound to pay for all expenses and charges including packaging expenses, transport and insurance for delivery of the Product and costs of return.

40.          Only upon receipt of the returned Product, the Company shall credit the Client for the sale price, after deducting 5% or $AU 29  (the lesser of the two) as a cancellation fee.

41.          In any event, the Company will not be responsible for any loss or damage during shipping of the returned Products.


42. The Products shall be delivered to the listed address as it appears on the virtual form the Client provided or to any other address as mutually agreed in writing by the parties. 

43. Since the Company does not keep a stock of the Products, and the Products are handmade upon request, Client acknowledges that the Company cannot ensure the delivery of an order and cannot ensure a timetable for the delivery of any order. Client waives any claim relating to the time of delivery.

44. However, the Company shall attempt to supply the Products within 14 working days, following receipt of payment confirmation from the Client’s credit card company. 

45. In the event of out-sourcing the delivery of the Product, the Company shall not be responsible for any delay or lateness in delivery which is caused by the delivery company. 

Happy shopping!



How to measure your ring size? 

Click here for a ring sizing video 

All you need is a pair of scissors, a piece of thread and a ruler.
Wrap the thread around your finger, then mark and cut the spot where the thread meets.
Measure the length of the thread with your ruler. This will give you the circumference (C) of your ring size
Now you can choose your size from our ring sizing chart.
if you are still not sure about the right size, or your size doesn't show in our chart, you are more than welcome to contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.
To put in the belly button piercing, grasp the ring between the fingers and thumb on either side of the opening and pull one side of the ring toward you and the other side away from you. This will twist the metal to widen the opening for you to insert the jewellery. Do not pull the jewellery apart as this may put stress on the metal. You may use pliers if you cannot use your fingers. Put the jewellery into the hole and close the same way.
The ring is made of either Silver 925 or Gold-filled.
To maintain the cleanliness of the piercing, in the first week you should always wash your hands before handling, and clean 3 times a day in a saltwater solution (glass of water with three teaspoons of salt) and apply an antibiotic cream during the week. It is not recommended to enter a chlorine swimming pool within the first 10 days of changing the piercing. However, if you do, it is recommended to wash the area with soap in the shower afterwards. Seawater is good for the piercing.
You should avoid tight clothes that may snag the piercing. This may cause infection so please be careful. The warranty does not cover the jewellery in the event of infection or allergies of any kind. No responsibility for a loss.
If you have any questions or need some help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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